Did you know this week is National Pet Week? Who knew!

It’s no secret that pets bring lots of joy, love, and fulfillment to our lives. Many of us also know they can even help lower stress, decrease heart rates, and more. I thought I’d round up a few little known health benefits of pet ownership for you!


Lower Cholesterol

This one was definitely a surprise for me! While the reason is unclear, people who have pets tend to have lower cholesterol and triglycerides when compared to people who don’t! Maybe it’s the extra walks you take?


Fewer Strokes

Again, doctors aren’t sure why, but cat owners are having fewer strokes than people who do not have cats. There are a few theories; that cats may have a more calming effect on their owners than other animals do, or that maybe the personality of ‘cat people’ keeps them more even keel. Either way, there is a strong correlation here.


More Active Social Life!

This is one unexpected perk of pet ownership – especially if you have a dog. It’s easy to connect with like-minded dog owners on walks and at the dog park. Your cute puppy is a conversation just waiting to begin! Connecting with other people is an important facet of mental health, and your dog may just be the conversation starter you need.


Stronger Bones

Walking, jogging, and other weight-bearing exercises are key to maintaining strong bones (and the muscles around them!). Taking a walk with your dog helps keep you physically active and gets out in the sun to absorb that much needed Vitamin D.


More Mindfulness

Mindfulness (aka “living in the moment”) can be key to reducing your stress, sleeping better, and enjoying life more. Mindfulness is an ancient practice where you focus on all that is happening around you. Having a pet in your home and spending time with them can be a great way to see and practice mindfulness. After all, our pets are always living in the moment and focusing entirely on the present! I’m sure we can all learn a lesson or two from them on being present.


What ways has your pet benefitted your health?