There is nothing quite so frustrating as taking your dog out to play in the yard or trying to go for a nice walk with them, only to have them totally distracted by the birds, the neighbors, or just a scent on the breeze!

The good news is… your dog isn’t doing it to be spiteful. They are just doing what dogs do…whatever works!

To put it simply.. everything your dog does, he does because it benefits him in some manner. Once you realize that the things that are ‘distracting’ your dog are actually things that are ‘rewarding’ him, you can then use that knowledge to your benefit! Remember, rewarded behavior is repeated behavior. which is why he continues to sniff around, chase birds, or watch the neighborhood. That behavior is “self-rewarding” for him.

Once you understand that anything your dog enjoys or desires can be used as a reward, it will change your life!

You can use going back to play with their friends as an awesome reward for coming when called in the dog park. Let your dog sniff after critters as a reward for not pulling on the leash, let your dog chase a squirrel if they stop and look at you first.. the possibilities go on!

This is also known as the Premack Principle! Here is a great graphic to help better show you how to apply the Premack Principle.