You guys know I’m passionate about Level Up Classes…

 But, you don’t need to take my word for it. Here is what Elisabeth had to say about classes with me!

“If you didn’t know how much we LOVE taking Level Up classes with Positive Partners Dog Training Community well…Tyson is off leash and chilling with his friends for this awesome picture and that’s all possible because of class. Look at how smiley all the pups are!!!

Before Level Up Class, Tyson would beg for food at the dinner table and would not chill out while I was eating. Now, most of the time, he goes and lays down during food prep and meals. Do you know who can lay down and be chill at AMB? This dog, because of what we learned in training.

Mister Tyson used to never drop his toys and only wanted to play tug. Guess who is getting a little less attached to his toys and dropping them on a more voluntary basis so we can play a nice game of fetch? You guessed it! Tyson!

Guess who will spit out most things (except napkins – he loves napkins too much) when I tell him to drop it? Tyson! He also avoids eating cow poop and horse poop on most hikes now, which were previously two of his favorite entrees.

You know who would never come in from outside but now comes almost every time? Tyson! Who sits for meals and won’t touch his dinner until released to do so? TYSON!!!! And all of this has been achieved through positive reinforcement – no punishments, no leash jerks, no hits or taps. All treats and play.

We are SUPER excited to continue classes with Brianne and learn how to do better at ignoring other dogs on walks and transition away from treats as rewards and towards other things, like praise, pets and toys. It would be pretty cool if you joined us. ”