Mason and Zeppelin recently joined me for Whistle Recall training. Mason and her partner, Scott, wanted their dog Zeppelin the be able to enjoy off leash walks, learn to come away from the neighbor who regularly feed him treats, and to stick around in the yard. I think it’s safe to say… they met their goals!
Here is what Mason had to say: “I just have to share with u!!! Zeppelin is amazing the sh** out of us! Lol!!! So…..Scott is at our building (which is between our house and the neighbors that feed him treats)….Zeppelin is walking with me (I am treating him as he focuses on me). He hears the treating neighbors on the porch…..he sees Scott getting the Polaris out (which means he gets to go for a ride)…THAT SMART BOY STAYED WITH ME THE WHOLE TIME!!!! Then, we are at the farm where Scott hunts and doing work for the farmer…. Scott was moving some brush and got on a yellow jackets nest, he takes off running and Zeppelin takes off with him….I was maybe 50 yards away…called for Zep to come….AND HE CAME!!!!! Also….. on our walks, when he is off lead, he hardly ever goes more than 5 feet from me!! I just want to thank u so much!!!! 🙌  🙌  🙌 Mason, Scott and Zeppelin