Charging a Marker Word or Clicker

Charging a Marker Word or Clicker

When we teach our dogs a new behavior, we need a fast and effective way of telling them that they are doing the right thing. We do this with a “marker.” We will be using a clicker ( small box like noise device) or a verbal marker (a short, distinct, one syllable word...

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Yuba’s Journey

Yuba’s Journey

Being a dog trainer is a life that is full of highs and lows. I became a dog trainer not only because of my love for dogs but also because I have a passion for helping people connect with animals in a meaningful way. I truly believe that dogs should be seen as a...

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Quick Potty Tips

Quick Potty Tips

Regardless of your dog's age, Potty Training is pretty much the same across the board! Two rules cover it: 1) Make sure your dog or puppy has plenty of appropriately timed opportunities to eliminate in the right place. Practice makes perfect! 2) Closely supervise or...

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Teach Your Dog to Say Please

Teach Your Dog to Say Please

Teaching your dog "Say Please By Sitting" is a great way help teach your dog some self-control and help you find a kind and helpful way to provide guidance and leadership.This exercise adds structure to your day and sets ground rules for every interaction with your...

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Give your dog a job!

Give your dog a job!

Or they will find one of their own.. and you are not going to like it! We humans have the luxury of being able to entertain ourselves with music, television, books, podcasts, and more! Our dogs, however, are not so fortunate. That is where you come in! Make sure your...

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How do dogs learn?

How do dogs learn?

Although dog’s brains are very similar to ours in many ways, they don’t learn in exactly the same way we do. We learn well by reading, listening or observing. Dogs associate events and learn from experiences. Learning is a process that results in the dog recognizing...

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Teach Your Dog to Give You Eye Contact

Teach Your Dog to Give You Eye Contact

In dog training, Eye Contact ( or "Focus" as some people call it) is a very important skill your dog needs to learn. We want to be able to ask our dogs to look at us and look away from any manner of distraction. It seems like a pretty simple task, but that's not...

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The Do Nothing Exercise

The Do Nothing Exercise

The goal of this exercise is to teach our dogs how to settle down, relax, and possibly even take a nap while we are busy. This is great for a variety of situations, like running into a friend on the Greenway, going to eat at an outdoor cafe, or when shopping in the...

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Decreasing Demand Barking

Decreasing Demand Barking

The hard thing about demand barking is that it is often just fun on its own, even without any other reward! With demand barking, we are trying to train our dogs NOT to bark (or otherwise vocalize) for things that they want. They may be barking for food, attention,...

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Help Calm Your Excited Greeter

Help Calm Your Excited Greeter

This post is pretty extensive, but is not all-inclusive. There are other factors to consider as well! Try not to be intimidated by all the information below, I’m just offering lots of ways to work on this issue. Try them all, and stick with what works! Jumping on...

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