3-Week group Class

Reactive dog bootcamp

Boone, NC

Is this class right for you?

Schedule an exploration call

Does your dog spiral out of control when they see other dogs?

Living with a reactive dog can feel incredibly lonely and isolating. You got your dog because you want to go on adventures together, enjoy dinner out on your favorite restaurant’s patio, or just hang out at the park with friends.

Each time your dog starts barking, lunging, and losing their mind over another dog, you feel those dreams slip further and further away.

That’s where Reactive Dog Bootcamp comes in!

This class is designed for people who are ready to make a change and are dedicated to following through with the training and lifestyle changes that are necessary to see improvements in their dog’s reactions and feelings towards other dogs.

This class is NOT for people looking for a magic wand fix. There’s no pixie dust here – just hard work and dedication! This class is also not for dogs who are reactive to people. 

7 hours of group class instruction

2 private coaching sessions

1 new life with your dog

Dogs will take turns being inside the classroom and learning with their humans. Your dog MUST wait in the car between their turns.

The first 2 weeks will meet at Hellbender Fitness in Boone, and will be about 2 to 2.5 hours long. Classes include discussion of important concepts and teaching new skills. Dogs will take turns in the classroom space, and will wait in their cars between their turns to keep stress and reactions to a minimum. The Third week, we meet at Valle Crucis Park.

This class is not appropriate for dogs who are fearful or reactive to humans, except in certain circumstances.

Class fees cover 3 weeks of instruction (totaling 6 to 7 hours) PLUS 2 30-minute private field trip lessons and lifetime support via email and the client’s only group.

This class is designed for people who are ready to make a change and are dedicated to following through with the training and lifestyle changes that are necessary to see improvements in their dog’s reactions and feelings towards other dogs.

Charge Forward

Deep Dive into Reactivity and

Behavior Modification

Reactive Dog Bootcamp includes 6 hours of training and education in just 3 nights of class, plus private coaching after class is completed! 

This class isn’t a quick fix and repressing behavior. The focus is on creating REAL changes to your dog’s behavior and emotions around other dogs. 

You’ll leave this class with:

  • An understanding of why dogs are reactive
  • Important leash skills to prevent reactivity from escalating
  • an ability to read dog body language in depth
  • Numerous new skills to prevent & TREAT reactivity in your dog
  • Emergency skills for when you find yourself in unavoidable situations that may present issues
  • New ways of decreasing stress in your dog AND yourself
  • a strong community of other local dog owners in the exact same situation
  • Lifetime support through our online resources

What to expect from class

Class begins with an online orientation you must complete before the first class meeting. Week One and Two we will meet at Hellbender Fitness on Greenway Road in Boone. Week Three, if you’ve done your homework, we will all meet at one of the local parks to put your new skills to the test!

Week One and Two, dogs will take turns being inside the classroom and learning with their humans. Your dog MUST wait in the car between their turns. 


Week One

Week One is usually around 1.5 to 2 hours long.

Only one dog will be in the classroom at a time, and the other dogs will wait their turn in their cars. This will give you tons of time to focus on learning the crucial concepts we’ll be discussing, without worrying about preventing your dog from reacting to the other dogs in class.

You’ll also get to watch each of the other teams practice their skills, and learn by both watching and doing! You will practice your new skills with a neutral demo dog in the room.

Topics Covered:

  • Why are dogs reactive?
  • Why it’s not your fault and you’re not alone.
  • Understanding how our dogs feel and what they’re saying with body language
  • Foundation Skills
    • Markers, Eye Contact, leash safety & handling, Middle, Magnet Hand, U-Turn, Pattern Games
  • Enrichment, exercise alternatives, and environmental awareness
  • Engage-Disengage: changing feelings and reactions to other dogs
  • How to prevent reactions and keep making progress all week long

Week Two

Week Two is around 1.5 to 2 hours.

Week Two is where we start to really see the difference in our dogs! So much so, that if everyone has done their homework we will actually practice with two student dogs in the room at a time. That’s right, two reactive dogs and no barriers.

This week’s focus is on adding on to the skills you learned in week one and includes LOTS of coaching and discussion about you and your dog. Week One is mostly about theory and foundation skills, and Week Two is where you really learn how to apply it to you and your individual situation.

Dogs will still wait in their cars between their turns.


  • Group discussion on successes and learning experiences from the past week
  • Level 2 Leash Skills
  • Self Care for the Humans
  • New Skills:
    • Mark & Move, Hand Target, using your body to communicate, Biofeedback
  • Adding difficulty to Week One skills

Week Three

It’s time for the rubber to meet the road! Believe it or not, as long as everyone has demonstrated the skills necessary, we’ll meet at a local dog park to continue our training in REAL LIFE SITUATIONS. 

We’ll start without the dogs and have a quick discussion on how everyone’s training has gone over the past week before getting the dogs out.

We’ll have all three teams out at the same time at the park, working around each other and anyone else who may be passing by.

After graduation photos, we’ll put the dogs up and have our last group discussion on successes and areas we can improve on that we noticed during the class. 

Included Private Coaching

This program includes 60 minutes of private coaching out and about to really help you master the skills you and your dog have learned over the past three weeks!

You have two months from the last class session to schedule and complete the private coaching.

Ongoing Support

The support doesn’t stop a the end of our coaching lesson. All private and group students get lifetime support via: 

  • Email
  • Client only Facebook Groups
  • Lifetime access to my full Resource Library

Follow Your Own Path

Positive Partners Dog Training also offers one-on-one private lessons year-round! 

If you’re looking for a more personalized coaching and training experience, check out our Private Lesson offerings!

Get In Touch

Positive Partners Dog Training, LLC

Brianne Harris, CPDT-KA
