Start your puppy off right!

AKC STAR Puppy Kindergarten in Newland, NC

6-week class

Socialization and Obedience Puppy Class

Actively guided play, real-life-based exercises, and new experiences give your puppy a rich array of socialization experiences during class. You’ll also get an Operation Socialization booklet for guided socialization outside of class, too!

Real-life themes

Each week’s activities include problem-solving a real-life situation—like stress-free vet visits, easy grooming, living room relaxation,  and successful walks.

Behaviors include:

Leave it
Loose leash walking

Socialization & problem prevention includes:

Appropriate play skills
House training
Puppy biting
Resource guarding
Household noises
OS Puppy Passports

What is the STAR Puppy Program?

Socialization | Training | Activity | Responsibility 

The AKC STAR Puppy program is part of the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen program, and is designed to help dog owners and their puppies get off to a great start in life! 

The AKC STAR Puppy program is a puppy-level Canine Good Citizen test, and is the perfect first step in raising your puppy to be a fun and friendly part of society.

How to become a STAR PUPPY

You and your puppy must attend all 6 weeks of class to be eligible to test for your AKC STAR Puppy certificate. There are 20 steps to success for the STAR Puppy Test, which include:

Owner Behaviors:

  • Maintaining the puppy’s health with appropriate vaccinations, grooming, etc
  • Meeting the puppy’s exercise and rest needs
  • coming to class prepared


Puppy Behaviors:

  • Free of aggression towards people and puppies in class
  • Comfortable with owner handling collar or harness
  • Owner can hug or hold puppy

Pre-CGC Test Skills: 

  • Allows petting and grooming by a person other than the owner
  • Follows owner on leash for 15 steps, past other people
  • Sit & Down on command
  • Come to owner
  • Stay on leash with another person
  • Reaction to Distraction

After attending our Puppy Class, you will be able to:

  • Confidently supervise your puppy’s interactions and play with fellow canines
  • Help your puppy enjoy positive vet and grooming experiences
  • Prepare and enjoy meals without puppy underfoot
  • Receive visitors who marvel at your pup’s good behavior
  • Take peaceful, uneventful walks through the neighborhood or park
  • Enjoy your puppy’s company on errands or taking a break at the coffee shop
  • Work from home, read email, or enjoy a movie while your puppy self-soothes